Write it down!

So many of people including myself in the past have wanted or dreamed of going somewhere or reaching a certain goal in our life, but we haven’t done the things necessary to achieve it. After educating myself through extensive research and many hours of reading I have come across some very simple but essential information.

In order to get to where we are going or achieving our goals, we have to specifically document the process needed in order to achieve it, then we have to follow that process daily until we reach the point of destination! So many times I’ve heard people say things like “I want to be rich” or “I want to lose weight” or “I wish I could go on a vacation to Hawaii or some other destination” but these same people aren’t following the process by writing it down.

I have yet to be proven wrong when I point this process out to people and they follow it. For example: If you write down specific steps in order to achieve a certain goal, and you follow through with the process daily until all the steps in the process are completed, the end result will be you obtaining whatever it is you wanted.

I’ve tried this process and everything I have ever written down and followed to it’s completion I have obtained. To name a few things that I have achieved this way are the following. My car, my job, the amount in my savings account and my level of fitness just to name a few.

My car for example: I wrote down everything I wanted my car to be. The color, model, miles, year, price and anything else I could think of. Then I began to look for all these items when I visited car dealerships or searched online. Low and behold I got the exact car I wanted.

Writing everything down that I wanted and following the process worked like a charm and it was easy. I continued to test this process with the other things in life I wanted and I have yet to come up short. As long as you write down everything necessary and do the things (legally) required to get what you want, you will get everything you ever wanted. If you don’t believe me try it.

I have plenty more examples of the things I have accomplished or obtained using this proven process. Email me or comment on my blog and I will be more than happy to share more with you.

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